
is an Australian made cosmeticeutical created by an Australian team of consultants and manufacturers here in Queensland. The intention was an Australian made product of premium quality to address a range of skin conditions. Some imported products are not to the same standards as those demanded by Australian manufacturers and the Australian Customer.
contains frankincense oil which has skin healing powers, and is best used at night, whereas Sea Buckthorn Skin Rejuve Exotic contains a soft fragrance from key lime oil and is intended for day use. (The scent of both disappears quite quickly). It is supplied in a 100g sized airless pump for total hygiene, ease of application and cost-effectiveness, which should last several months. Not one drop will be lost!
Soothing and healing for broken skin from conditions such as excema and other dry or inflamed skin conditions. Reduces inflammation and sensitivity and reinforces skin barrier function.
Contains natural sources of fatty acids including omega 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 plus natural carotenoids and Vit E that are known to moisturise and hydrate the skin and improve elasticity and firmness. Helps delay the appearance of wrinkles, and help the first signs of ageing skin.
Long-lasting moisturisation and reprogramming of skin’s hydration potential.
Stress, Nervous Tension and Insomnia are experienced by many of us in the 21st century and it is nice to know there are natural alternatives to prescription drugs.
Stress and Tension Pilules is an Australian homeopathic preparation (by respected Australian homeopath Claire Kuyper), of Arnica, Chamomilla and Hypericum presented as easy-to-take pilules. One pill per hour as needed – max 8 pills per 24 hours. Each bottle contains over 180 lactose/sucrose pilules, and has received excellent results and feedback.
Dissolve one pill under the tongue as needed 15 minutes away from food and drink. Coffee is an antidote to homeopathics so take a couple hours away from coffee. Keep away from frequency-emitting devices such as microwaves, mobile phones, computer, refrigerators. Store out of sunlight in a cool place.
Arnica: Helps reduce soreness and aches that can be brought on by stress and tension.
Chamomilla: Has been used since Ancient days for its calming and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used to control insomnia as its mild sedating and muscle-relaxing effects may help those who suffer from insomnia fall asleep more easily.
Hypericum: (also known as St John’s Wort) May assist as a mild anti-depressant. All ingredients are derived from natural substances with no synthetic fillers.
As with all homeopathic preparations, contact your health care professional if symptoms persist.
Price: AUD 24.90
We are not healthcare or medical professionals and the information contained here is not to be taken as medical advice. It is recommended that you consult you healthcare professional prior to taking any supplements and always read the label, use only as directed, and if symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.