
In a nutshell, one is not better than the other … they are different and each supports us in different ways because of the different nutritional make-up.
Firstly, let’s understand that an oil is a real concentration of components. Approximately 50 whole sea buckthorn berries (fruit and seed) yield oil equivalent to a 500mg capsule. This will vary depending on harvest time, berry size etc etc … of course, a 500mg capsule is going to contain 500mg of the oil irrespective of the number of berries needed. But this information gives us some idea of the concentration of oil.
Next, nature provides a wonderful balance so ingesting the entire berry (that is both fruit/pulp and seed) our body receives the correct proportions of the essential fatty acids (EFA’s). For eg Omegas 3 and 6 need to be in the correct balance for them to be of most benefit to us. An approximate 1:1 ratio is what we need – research is showing that some people have a ration of 25:1 in their diets, that is 25x omega 6 than omega 3. In part, the oils we use in our diet are omega 6 with no omega 3 (safflower, sunflower, corn sesame, peanut).
And we can slot seabuckthorn oil neatly into place here as approx 50% omega 6 and 50% omega 3 – the desired 1:1 ratio that our forebears enjoyed … ie our ancestors who did not suffer from the modern inflammatory diseases that we experience today such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Unfortunately marketing and commercialism intrude here … some businesses only sell one oil so they market theirs as the best and are critical of the other. A case in point here is the advertising that a particular product is not filled with “cheap seed oil” … the seed oil is in fact approximately double the price of the berry oil.
The following information comes from Sea buckthorn oils: Towards healthy mucous membranes. Women’s Health. AGROFood industry hi-tech May/June 2003 Risto Erkkola, Baoru Yang.
As can be seen above, adding the omega 3 component of seed and berry is a roughly 1:1 ratio to the omega 6 component of seed and berry oil. As said, the 1:1 ratio is the desired ratio of the two omegas for us.
Omega 3 comes from certain fish oil EPA and DHA, and nuts and seeds (ALA) Omega 3 can assist maintain health in terms of fighting inflammation, depression/anxiety, eye health, heart health, early brain development and is good for the skin.
Omega 6 also plays a crucial role in brain function, normal growth and development (metabolism, bone health and reproductive system) as well as stimulating skin and hair growth.
Omega 7 is rather hard to come by in the plant world and even scarcer in the animal world. Sea Buckthorn oil is believed to have the richest source of this essential fatty acid. It rejuvenates skin and studies are indicating its potential as anti-inflammatory, improving digestive tract health. Other studies are investigating cholesterol, insulin and liver function. Omega 7 is most sought after in the cosmetic world for what is offers skin health.
Omega 9 has been shown in research to assist cardiovascular health, increasing HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol that are bodies manufacture) and reducing LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol we ingest via animal products).
Both seed and berry oil contain tocopherols and tocotrienols – 100-200mg/100g and 100-400g/100g respectively. These components both belong to the Vit E family and hold anti-oxidant properties.
Both seed and berry oils contain carotenoids – 10-50mg/100g and 100-400mg/100g respectively. As the name suggests, carotenoids are the colourful pigments found in fruit and vegetables. They are instrumental in producing Vit A. As well as being powerful anti-oxidants, the Vit A production helps with eye health. We hear that “carrots can improve night vision”. It is the orange pigment in carrots that is involved here.
The seed oil is therefore seen to be a paler orange when compared to the redder orange of the berry oil.
Plant sterols are reported by the Australian Heart Foundation to lower LDL cholesterol. Plant sterols are to be found in both sea buckthorn seed and berry oils – 1-2% by weight and 2-3% by weight respectively.
Our production of Sea Buckthorn Complete Vitality (soft gel capsules) and our Sea Buckthorn Pure Berry and Seed Oil (30ml and 100ml bottles) are both a 1:1 blend of quality sea buckthorn seed and berry oil. Don’t settle for anything less!
We trust you find this information useful and that it helps assist you to better health.
Good Luck!
We are not healthcare or medical professionals and the information contained here is not to be taken as medical advice. It is recommended that you consult you healthcare professional prior to taking any supplements and always read the label, use only as directed, and if symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.