
We’re young – our skin’s elastic and bouncy; it’s firm and hydrated – glowing … we smile and our skin moves as one … it’s resilient.
But time passes – our skin is dry, thin, sagging and loose – dull … we smile and deepening fissures around our mouth and eyes become too evident … it tears at the slightest knock.
What happened?
Whilst we can’t turn back time or avoid the signs of aging, it is helpful to understand the process as there are things we can do without resorting to expensive or drastic measures.
How does our skin work?
Our skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is permeable and can draw substance into it (we know that as it absorbs skin creams) and it can expel (toxins, perspiration).
The epidermis is the outer layer that we see and feel.
The dermis is a deeper layer within which are the hair follicles, nerves and sweat glands.
Between these two layers is a membrane that both separates and joins them. It enables fluid and cells to move between the two layers as well as providing structural support holding them together.
And deeper again is the subcutaneous tissue which is a fatty layer providing cushioning and protection to our body.
When this cushioning layer thins, we have less protection around our blood vessels so we will bleed more easily and our skin will be marked when we bump it (the blood vessels rupture under the skin causing bruising and dark marks which may take days, or longer, to fade.
Why does the skin tear so easily?
As we age, the two outer skin layers and membrane in the middle flatten allowing them to slide more and when this occurs – the epidermis sliding too much over the dermis – the skin can actually tear. This thinning skin so prone to tears is not uncommon in elderly folk.
What can we do to strengthen and rejuvenate our skin?
Keeping skin hydrated will help a lot. If left dry (no oil) it is brittle and prone to damage easily. Even just applying a good skin cream will moisturise the skin, rehydrate it and add enough elasticity to not tear so easily.
What to look for in skin cream
Essential Fatty Acids 3, 6, 7 and 9 (omegas), vit C, grape seed extract, sea buckthorn oils
What causes thin skin?
We’ve already mentioned that thinning skin is caused by birthdays (aging!)
Our Australian sun, as beautiful as it is, breaks down the elastin fibers and collagen in the dermis if we subject ourselves to extreme exposure. Resultantly, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes fragile.
Genetics can predispose us to thinner skin – skin colour and type can run in the family and most of us will have seen this first hand by looking at our parents, then in the mirror!
Medications such as blood thinners that may be prescribed to reduce other risk factors.
A healthy diet will be helpful, just as smoking and heavy drinking is unhelpful … so there is never any getting away from living a healthy life in terms of food, drink, exercise and habits. And it is never too late to put that into practice as there will always be some improvement simply because one is stopping behaviour that is ultimately aging our skin. There really is nothing too good about sugar and yet another of its negatives is glycation: the destruction of the cushiony collagen which our body produces. The body’s production of collagen and elastin slows as we age.
Sea Buckthorn oils (taken internally or applied topically) with their high omega content and range, will help regenerate healthier tissue including skin but allow 3-5 weeks to see the difference: the healthier glow, the plumper, more hydrated skin, and the reduction of the fine wrinkles. Wrinkles occur where the skin is continually moving in the one area such as around our mouth and eyes. Thin skin (olr papery skin, or crepey skin, as in resembling crepe paper) is lack of skin thickness but of course they go hand in hand.
Cigarette smoking adversely affects our skin health as the nicotine narrows the tiny blood vessels in the skin, impairing a healthy blood flow which our skin needs. Oxygen is reduced as well as Vit A and skin becomes dry and leathery looking.
What can we do?
Try the following products:
So whilst we can’t stop our clocks from ticking, we mostly do have some control over our skin health; so unless you are burdened with health issues that make this track difficult, do what you can. Thin skin can lead to tears, infection, slow healing. My Dad had papery skin on his arms and legs in his advanced 80’s – I really wish I had known about the tissue strengthening properties of sea buckthorn oils back then. His skin tears were frequent and so easily caused, and the trips to and from the doctor’s surgery for dressings were an extra worry for my Mum (who naturally now uses SBT internally and externally to great effect).
We are not healthcare or medical professionals and the information contained here is not to be taken as medical advice. It is recommended that you consult you healthcare professional prior to taking any supplements and always read the label, use only as directed, and if symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.