
Wrinkles are a part of life, especially in Australia’s sun-drenched climate. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and its ‘bounce’. It doesn’t produce as much fat and generates less of the natural oils that create a youthful look.
While wrinkles caused by ageing are inevitable for all of us, it is possible to reduce their appearance by changing our habits.
Some quick tips to reduce wrinkles and fine lines naturally:
As we age, our skin becomes drier. Replenishing moisture from the inside out will help keep it looking fresh instead of dull. Stick with water and freshly squeezed juice to bring the life back.
UV rays contribute to wrinkles by damaging the collagen under your skin. If we spend too much time outdoors without a hat, sunscreen or other protection you will notice that your skin suffers – so slip, slop slap!
Lack of sleep is another factor that contributes to prematurely wrinkled skin. Make sure to get plenty of shut-eye in order to give your skin the chance to replenish itself and restore elasticity while you sleep.
Pack our plate with antioxidants and we will be doing our skin a favour. Include fresh, leafy green vegetables, blueberries, kiwi fruit to boost your intake of vitamins A and D. Fit grilled salmon into your weekly diet and you’ll add Omega 3 fatty acids to improve your skin’s youthful look.
There are several oils that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles but the one touted as the “next big thing in wrinkle and acne prevention” is Sea Buckthorn Oil. This naturally occurring oil comes from a berry that has been used for centuries as a remedy for multiple ailments. It is packed with active compounds including fatty acids, Omega 3, 5, 6, 7 and Omega 9 as well as antioxidants that nourish the body’s cells and restore vitality. The blend of both the seed oil and berry oil gives this amazing array of nutrients, so take advantage of a 50/50 blend of the two oils and don’t settle for anything less!
When taken as a gel supplement, pure Sea Buckthorn Complete Vitality capsules can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by restoring the essential fatty acids and amino acids that occur less naturally in the skin with the passing of time.
Choose Sea Buckthorn products for fresh, healthy looking skin and a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. At the same time, internal tissue is strengthened so the nenefits will be more than just skin deep.
Consider giving a healthy Christmas Gift ……. our quality Sea Buckthorn products will pleasantly surprise you!
We are not healthcare or medical professionals and the information contained here is not to be taken as medical advice. It is recommended that you consult you healthcare professional prior to taking any supplements and always read the label, use only as directed, and if symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.